What Should My Child Wear to Playgroup?

Children will get messy in playgroup, it’s part of the fun and experience for them! They might come home with stains (food, paint, pen) for example from eating independently, or enjoying being creative with paint. It’s these opportunities they may not get at home but they do in playgroup so paint on clothes is worth it.

We do ask that for that reason, parents please ensure your child wears clothes that are practical and that you don’t mind getting a bit messy.

Comfortable clothes that are easy to get on and off would be most appreciated by your child and by the playgroup staff, and we recommend just basic leggings/joggers for playgroup, something comfortable and easy to change into.

Playgroup Uniform

Although it is not essential, we do have a playgroup uniform that parents can choose to purchase (t-shirts and jumpers) either on line or in store at Monkhouse School Specialist, Northgate Street, Gloucester, GL1 2AA.  Wearing a uniform can sometimes help the children feel more of a sense of belonging and may help them establish more of a routine at home on the days they attend sessions.  

To access their website please click on uniform images below

Age / Stage Appropriate

Two,Three and four-year-olds should ideally have slip-on or velcro shoes so they can be independent, and all children who are being potty trained or are potty trained should avoid dungarees. Also, when children are toilet training, we recommend more waterproof style trainers and shoes that can be easily cleaned after any little accidents as opposed to fabric.


Change of clothes

We do recommend every child brings a spare set of clothes to nursery in case of accidents. Please ensure the bag is named clearly.


Label your items

We would definitely recommend labelling clothes, to reduce the risk of loss or misplacement. This is prevalent particularly with uniform, hats and coats as these quite often look the same or are the same brand. You can get some great name label stickers that can go in dishwashers and washing machines.


Dressing for the weather

It’s important to protect children from the harsh elements, with hats, coats and gloves in colder months, and sunhats and sun cream in sunnier months.

Playgroup can provides outdoor wear when visiting the forest area to enable visits in all weathers, and we do have a  stash of wellies, or recommend parents bring named wellies in.

We also ask that parents provide their children with sun hats and sun cream in the hotter months.