Headteacher's Welcome


Welcome to Calton Primary School and thank you for taking the time to visit our school website. I hope that our website gives you a clear insight into our school life and community.  We are a welcoming three form entry primary school amongst a diverse and thriving community. Our school vision – A nurturing and inclusive, learning community that enables everyone to be their best is at the heart of all that we do.  We teach everyone to be STARS –


Skills – learn, practice, do

Togetherness – friendships, relationships, community

Aspirations – ambitions, dreams, goals

Resilience – try, bounce back, overcome

Success – progress, pride, celebration


Parents are positively encouraged to involve themselves in the whole life of the school and can feel confident of a warm welcome by staff who are passionate about meeting the needs of your child. As the headteacher, I am proud to lead a school with such a strong sense of community and togetherness, striving to do its very best.


Jane Barker-Doe