Finance and Funding

Children can attend Calton Playgroup from the age of 2 years 9 months until they reach school age.


We offer the 15 hours free entitlement to Nursery Education Funding (NEF) which is available to all 3 & 4 year olds from the term after their 3rd birthday.  Calton Playgroup also accepts Achieving 2 Year Old Funding (A2YO). 


Funding is claimed 3 times a year at the start of the autumn, spring and summer terms.  A Parent Declaration Form needs to be completed with details of ALL settings that your child attends and how you wish the funding to be allocated.  Children may attend more than 1 settings and either share their funding or use it at 1 provider.  The following link will explain both of these entitlements and how to apply:


If your child starts playgroup before they become eligible for NEF, then please note sessions are chargeable and will be invoiced at the beginning of each term.  The 3 hour session rates vary between £11 - £15 depending on the child's age and circumstances.  Please contact the playgroup direct for exact session rates.  Calton Playgroup is a “cashless” environment and all payments will need to be paid direct to the bank.


Children may attend playgroup for more than the 15 hours entitlement and have the extra sessions invoiced for payment.  All accounts must be cleared at the end of each term.